Listening as Relation, an Invocation

«What does it mean to listen through a time of global ecocide? The long arcs of racial capitalism and colonisation have classified the world as resource, which fragments relational ways of being and knowing. The colonial drive for knowledge as possession, to know and assert the world, shapes encounters with environments, making the listening disposition one of exploration and domination. In this performance lecture, geographer and sound artist AM Kanngieser and Métis/otipemisiw anthropologist Zoe Todd will play with listening as a practice of weaving together through relation, of finding possibilities for attunement. Attunement means to bring into tune, to hear for resonances or moments of intersection. Using the form of an invocation, Kanngieser and Todd will bring together sounds, voice and prose to reflect on the European impetus of separation of people, ecologies and culture.»

AM Kanngieser is an award-winning geographer and sound artist, working through listening and attunement to approach the relations between people, place and ecologies. Over the past decade they have focused on experimenting with sonic methods and practices (including field recordings, radio building and training, sonic ethnographies, oral testimonies, songs, sonifications, composition, sound walks) for environmental-geographical research. 

Since 2015, AM has been collaborating with Pacific women, queer and transgender artists, organisers and scholars through Climates of Listening, an ongoing project that amplifies movements for self-determination in relation to continuing colonisation through resource extraction, environmental racism and ecological disaster. This research emphasises the nuanced and variegated ways that communities and people understand, produce knowledge about, and collectively attend to their lived experiences of ecocide.

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