Sound Geomancy. Landscape as score

Presented at Complutense University of Madrid, 16th January 2023, classified as "Excellent" with a distinction "cum laude" given unanimously for her doctoral thesis. Thesis Committee: Bárbara Fluxá, Concha García, Paz Tornero, Mikel Arce y Miguel Molina Alarcón. Coco Moya. Triptych Tropes. Performative conference. 2023 Coco Moya. Triptych Tropes. Performative conference. 2023 Coco Moya. Triptych Tropes. Performative conference. 2023 Coco... Continue Reading →

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Magic by contagion. Exhibition. 2021 Magic by contagion. Coco Moya ´s exhibition Cruce Contemporary Art Gallery. Madrid. 2021. Curated by Concha García The works shown, almost all with a tactile or interactive component, invite the listener to experience and experiment. They are shaping an archive of plastic and sound essays that are originated mainly from her doctoral research entitled... Continue Reading →

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Geomancia Sonora y escucha especulativa

A sound research by Coco Moya ENGLISH / ESPAÑOL Landscape as score Surely you have entered a church or a cave, where the resonance and the echo are very special. This is not by chance. Archaeoacoustics has discovered that there is a very close relationship between sacred spaces and sound and music. For example, cave... Continue Reading →

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Caving. Archaeoacoustic histories of resonance

News & events from CRiSAPView this email in your browserCavingLCC MA Sound Arts and the Swiss Church London are collaborating to stage the first of what will be an annual sound art exhibition of current students from the MA Sound Arts course. This July features work by three students:Benjamin HarrisonElliot BuchananMartyn RileyCaving is an investigation into archaeoacoustic histories... Continue Reading →

Song for the energy

Centre for Energy Ethics Ethereal electronic soundscape created by the brilliant psych pop duo pecq. This soundscape was commissioned by the Centre for Energy Ethics for its February 2021 launch. It is a hauntingly beautiful mélange of field recordings by the Centre’s researchers, superimposed over barely discernible chants from climate activists, and interwoven... Continue Reading →

Saša Spačal

Sasa Spacal Saša Spačal es una de las artistas más interesantes de la exposición. La eslovena crea sistemas donde lo humano y no humano se integra dentro de una estructura tecno-biológica, provocando, en sus palabras, una “reflexión crítica sobre la relación humana y el impacto en los ecosistemas biológicos a nivel planetario, microscópico y energético”.... Continue Reading →

Martin Howse, Earth Coding

(Extracto de la tesis Geomancia Sonora, el paisaje como partitura) El artista inglés Martin Howse se interesa en los vínculos entre la tierra (como fenómeno geofísico), la psique humana (psicogeofísica) y el software. En su investigación utiliza y programa software libre, tecnología DIY y sonido principalmente, y busca, en sus palabras, volver a una especie... Continue Reading →


Fuente: Para el tecnochamanismo la única forma de detener la devastación del planeta es la colaboración entre las culturas tradicionales y la nueva tecnología. Beatriz García@gretadaro Publicado: 13/07/2018   En las empresas de tecnología más punteras ya no hay departamentos, sino ‘tribus’. Existen gurús como Steve Jobs y servidores con nombre de nación indígena,... Continue Reading →

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